
Kozhikode - Destination Overview
  • Package Prices
    Staring from Rs 8999/- including 2 nights/3 days hotel stay and full kozhikode site seeing and excursions

About Kozhikode:

Kozhikode, also known as Calicut was once the capital of the powerful Zamorins and a main trade and commerce centre in Kerala. Kozhikode was also the most important region of Malabar in the earlier days. Kozhikode covers an area of 2206 square km. Today,lush green country sides, serene beaches, historic sites, backwater destinations, wildlife sanctuaries, rivers, hills, a unique culture and a warm friendly ambience have made Kozhikode a popular destination. Ma Huan also called this place as the great country of the Western Ocean.

Kozhikode General Information

  • Area: 2345 square kms.
  • Population: 2613683
  • Altitude: Sea level
  • Climate - Tropical
  • Clothing - Light cotton
  • Tourist Season - September to May