Rohtang pass Tour Guide

Rohtang pass Tour Guide - Destination Overview
  • Package Prices
    Staring from Rs 6999/- including 2 nights/3 days Manali hotel stay and full Rohatang pass site seeing and excursions
  • Location: Himachal Pradesh,India -
  • Altitude: 3978 meters
  • Nearest Airport: Kullu Bhuntar Airport
  • Nearest Train Station: Bilaspur
  • How to reach: Reachable from Manali
  • Season to Visit: Summers season

Rohtang Pass Tour Guide - 2019 2020

Rohtang Pass is located at an altitude of 13,054 ft, approx 53 kms away from Manali on Manali -Leh highway in Northern India.

It serves as the gateway to Lahaul and Spiti valleys in Himachal Pradesh.The name Rohtang is derived from Tibetan language meaning ‘a heap of dead bodies’ due to the number of people who lost their lives trying to cross it in the past.

The Rohtang Pass is situated  on the Pir Panjal Mountain Range of the Himalayas.Besides Lahaul and Spiti, Rohtang Pass also serves as the gateway to Pangi and Ladakh region. Like the Zojila Pass, Rohtang also serves as the gateway to Ladakh.

The summit of the pass turns into lush green meadow in summer studded with violets and varieties of wild Himalayan and Alpine flowers. Butterflies of numerous and rare kind and variegated hues also draw the attention of' the visitors.

Attractions of the Rohtang Pass

Highest Motorable Pass of the World

Beas Kund Rohtang Pass

After reaching  the highest point on top of Rohtang Pass to the right is a small stone enclosure and a water spring which is the principal source of the river Beas known as Beas Kund. The place gained religious significance because of sojourn of Beas Rishi (the famous Vyasa Rishi, author of the epic Mahabharata).

Sarkund - Rohtang pass ( Curative Heaing water at Rohtang)

To the left of pass is the little lake Sarkund. Every year in early September a large number of people visit this lake with the belief and hope that an early morning bath in it will cure all their ailments.

Sonapani Glacier, Gyephang La - Rohtang Pass

Directly opposite and only a few kms. away is the well defined Sonapani glacier. Slightly to the left are the twin peaks of Gyephang La, seats of Pre Aryan Himalayan gods Jamulu and his younger brother Gyephang. These peaks are snow streaked and snow covered. The higher peak is 5856 m. high. Gyephang La can be seen from Kunzum Pass, Pangi, Lahaul and from Sarchu plains across the Baralacha La. The higher of the two peaks can be seen on a clear day from as far as the Ridge in Shimla.

10 Golden Rules for travel to Rohtang Pass :-

Manali to Rohtang Pass - Rule No - 0 ( Most Imp) Get Up Early if you want to see Rohtang

There is always huge rush of tourists for Rohtang Pass, Hence you need to leave early at 2:30AM to leave for Rohtang Pass to jump the queue. Last Taxi ride allowed for Rohtang is 11:30 AM, hence you must get up early if want to visit Rohtang Pass.

Rohtang Pass is located at altitude of 13,050 feet, In winter & summer , it is mostly covered under 30 to 50 feet snow and temperature is always below zero,it is ecologically very sensitive and himachal government has taken strict steps to preserve the fragile Rohtang pass eco system from ever increasing tourist inflow and exhaust fumes of vehicles.

Manali to Rohtang Pass Rule No -1 ( Respect the Ecological Senstivty of Rohtang pass)

When you travel to Rohtang pass, Always keep in mind that you are travelling to most sensitive eco-systems, hence be cautious as not to leave behind anu garbag or Rubbish. Stay away from Intoxicants like tobacco & liquors as mountain sickness can catch you. Just enjoys the cool vistas of beautiful sight of glaciers, peaks and Chandra river view which flows down in the Lahaul valley. Also enjoy the Geypan. Be Proud that you are on Rohtang Pass - the world's Highest pass.

Manali to Rohtang Pass Rule No -2 ( Go always in Himachal Registered taxi)

Tourists travelling in a Taxi or vehicle not bearing Himachal Pradesh registration, should hire a local Manali taxi beyond Kothi located at 13 km from Manali towards Rohtang.

Manali to Rohtang Pass Rule No - 3 ( Keep in Mind the Limit for vehicles for Rohtang pass)

For  Rohtang Pass, only 400 tourists vehicles/taxis (HP Registered) are allowed in the batches per day beyond Gulaba to snow point of Marhi or Rohtang Pass, The remaining vehicles are not be allowed to go beyond Kothi. 

The traffic is allowed from 4 AM in the morning to 11 PM at night, after which traffic will not be allowed. Hence, it is suggested to start at 2:00 AM from Manali to beat the long traffic jams or come back empty handed. .

Vehicles will only be allowed to come back from Rohtang Pass to Manali after 11 AM to 6 PM only.

Manali to Rohtang pass Rule No - 4 ( Be Ready for the Long Traffic jams and wait)

In peak seasons, It takes around five to eight hours reach Rohtang, It will become painful specially if you have kids. The problem compounds when both side traffic gets stuck on hair bend curves. Govt has regulated the same by allowing only one way traffic, vehicles from Manali can go to Rohtang between 4 am and 11 AM and come back to Manali only after 11 pm.

Manali to Rohtang Pass Rule No - 5 ( No Night Travel to Rohtang Pass)

Time between 10 pm to 6 am is the zero traffic hours and no vehicles is allowed on the Rohtang highway. Also you are not allowed to stay in the night on Rohtang pass. Also if you reach Manali in the after noon, You will need to postpone your Rohtang visit to next day early morning.

Manali to Rohtang Pass Rule No -6 ( Never Fell into the Trap of Local Taxi Operators, Stick to your Travel Agency)

In Manali, Many taxi operators take tourists to Rohtang early morning and even at midnight, so as to make multiple trips to Rohtang on the same day, These operators are always in a rush and  don't allow tourists to enjoy much time at Rohtang pass, saying that they will get stuck in traffic jam.

Manali to Rohtang Pass Rule No -7 ( Issue of Passes/Permits for Rohtang)

The Rohtang Pass Permit are issued by HP govt official camp setup at Gulaba ahead of Kothi and in HP tourism Office. There are additional charges ( Congestion Charges ) of Rs. 50/- per vehicle has to be paid which includes both Motor Bike and Cars

Rohtang Pass - Important Information

Rohtang Pass or Rohtang La is beautiful and highest motorable pass near Manali, Rohtang litrally means ‘ground of corpses’ and is located at an altitude of more than 13, 000 feet on the Pir Panjal range of the Himalayas. in Old days, Bad weather, unpredictable snowstorms and blizzards cause the deaths of many people, which is why this was a dangerous pass to cross in past.

On a normal day, the drive to Rohtang is too tedious as you many take upto 6hrs to cover 52kms to Rohtang from Manali. The Rohtang Trip rewards you with breathtaking beauty, tests your patience, and make you realize the godly beauty of mountains.

Rohtang connects the Kullu Valley with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys of Himachal Pradesh, India.

Best Time to Visit Rohtang

The best time to visit Rohtang is from July till November, as there is no snow fall, as during winter all the road to rohtang is blocked with ice & many a times people get stuck due to land slides. Enroute to Rohtang, you will see the road flanked by thick ice both sides upto 5 feet, reminding you of the song - Ye ishq haai baithe bithaye jannat dikhaye from Jab we met. 

Rohtang Tour Precautions - Acclimatization & Dark Shades are Must.

It is suggested you get acclimitize in Manali hotel by staying at least one night as you may encounter Acute Mountain Sickness. It is also suggested to put your darkest sunglasses on to prevent snow blindness

Things to do at Rohtang Pass

1. You must Try, hot ginger chai(tea) and maggi noodles. Hot Piping Maggie noodles will warm you a lot in extreme cold and provie you good energies to combat weather.

2. Do Lots of Photography, Always carry a Stand or Monolpole, so that you can capture even not in enough light, 

Be Prapared for Not Proper washrooms at Rohtang Pass

Washrooms ae not proper at Rohtang Pass, There are just booths covered with some wooden planks with no water available.It is better to carry adult diapers and baby diapers when you go to Rohtang - Specially Ladies & kids..

A New tunnel is being constructed from Rohtang Pass to Ladakh to travel in all seasons. This Tunnel will enable you to go to Leh in all seasons.

Coming Soon on Rohtang....

Rohtang Pass Tour on Bikes-Motorcycle tour of Rohtang Pass

Rohtang pass Hiking Tour - Trekking to Rohtang Pass