Leh Ladakh Tourist Guide

Leh Ladakh Tourist Guide - Destination Overview
  • Package Prices
    Leh Packages starting from Rs 5799/- including full Leh site seeing and excursions

Leh, the capital city of Ladakh is the most important town of  region. Situated at a height of 3500 Metres above sea level, nestling in a side valley of the Indus river , it is  spread over dusty mountainsides with a main street and narrow winding by-lanes, Leh has a distinct character that transports you back in time. 

Leh was once the central meeting-point for trade caravans from distant lands of Yarkand, Kashgar, Tibet, Kashmir, and northern India, the market once bustled with activity. Locals sold tea, salt, wool and semi-precious stones.Religious ceremonies and monastic festivals are regular features of the Ladakhi landscape. Crafts such as metal-work, painting, weaving, and wood-carving are widely found in the region. Archery and polo are the traditional sports here.


Now, the town is crowded with tourists, jostling their way along the main street during the peak summer season. Due to its strategic importance for India, Leh also has a large military presence, and a major part of the town’s income comes from spending by the armed forces. Since Ladakh was opened up to foreign tourists in 1974, tourism has also become one of the major sources of income generation. 

For seven months a year, Leh airport is Ladakh's only link with the outside world. Transport, boarding and lodging facilities are available to suit every pocket and there is sufficient novelty, antiquity and hospitality for all.

Ladakh is one of the only few places where one can experience Tibetan Buddhism being practiced in its original form.