Himachal UniversityinfoPackage Code: HTPC000161
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Himachal University - Package Overview
Apart from an International Centre for Distance Education and Open Learning, a University Evening College, a University College of Business Studies, a Regional Centre at Dharamshala and nearly 80 affiliated Under-graduate, Post-graduate, engineering, medical, dental, education and Sanskrit colleges, the Himachal Pradesh University has 28 Teaching Departments offering various courses, among other subjects, Bhoti (an Indo-Tibetan language), ayurveda, and yoga. There are 65 Govt Degree Colleges, 18 Sanskrit Colleges and 5 other colleges, apart from this there are more than 195 private colleges/institutes affiliated by Himachal Pradesh University. University have 250,000 students enrolled in the university and its colleges, half of them are women.
1 Campus
2 Centres And Institutes
3 Faculties
4 Colleges under Himachal Pradesh University
5 Notable Alumni
Himachal Pradesh University (HPU)
- Himachal University Motto - ??????? ???????? ? ????? (Sanskrit)
- Himachal University Motto in English - The one who have, arms of knowledge is real skillful
- Himachal University Establishment date - 1970
- Himachal UniversityChancellor - Governor of Himachal Pradesh Urmila Singh
- Himachal University Vice-Chancellor - Prof. ADN Bajpai [1]
- Himachal University Location - Summer Hill, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India, Coordinates: 31.111533°N 77.138958°E
Himachal University Website - www.hpuniv.nic.in
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Apart from an International Centre for Distance Education and Open Learning, a University Evening College, a University College of Business Studies, a Regional Centre at Dharamshala and nearly 80 affiliated Under-graduate, Post-graduate, engineering, medical, dental, education and Sanskrit colleges, the Himachal Pradesh University has 28 Teaching Departments offering various courses, among other subjects, Bhoti (an Indo-Tibetan language), ayurveda, and yoga. There are 65 Govt Degree Colleges, 18 Sanskrit Colleges and 5 other colleges, apart from this there are more than 195 private colleges/institutes affiliated by Himachal Pradesh University. University have 250,000 students enrolled in the university and its colleges, half of them are women.
1 Campus
2 Centres And Institutes
3 Faculties
4 Colleges under Himachal Pradesh University
5 Notable Alumni
The University is situated nearly 5 km away from the town, at Summer Hill, a quiet suburb of Shimla in the vicinity of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. Its beautiful surroundings present a panoramic view of snow peaked mountains and are ideally suited to pursue higher learning amidst rhododendron, silver oak, pine and deodar forests. Summer Hill Railway Station is five minutes walk from the Teaching Departments and the main office of the University. The campus is spread over an area of about 200 acres (0.81 km2). The various teaching departments, library, offices, residential complexes and hostels of girls and boys are housed in aesthetically designed buildings matching with the hilly terrain and climate. The University is both residential and affiliating in character.
The University is situated nearly 5 km away from the town, at Summer Hill, a quiet suburb of Shimla in the vicinity of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. Its beautiful surroundings present a panoramic view of snow peaked mountains and are ideally suited to pursue higher learning amidst rhododendron, silver oak, pine and deodar forests. Summer Hill Railway Station is five minutes walk from the Teaching Departments and the main office of the University. The campus is spread over an area of about 200 acres (0.81 km2). The various teaching departments, library, offices, residential complexes and hostels of girls and boys are housed in aesthetically designed buildings matching with the hilly terrain and climate. The University is both residential and affiliating in character.
Centres And Institutes
Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla Agro-Economic Research Centre, Shimla
Centre of Environmental Studies
International Centre for Distance Education and Open Learning (ICDEOL)
Himachal Pradesh University Business School
Himachal Pradesh University Centre for Evening Studies
The Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies
Population Research Centre (PRC), Shimla
Pre Examination Coaching Centre
The Institute of Vocational Studies
Institute of Tribal Studies & Research
University Institute of Information Technology HPU, Shimla
Centre for Australian and New Zealand Studies
Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla Agro-Economic Research Centre, Shimla
Centre of Environmental Studies
International Centre for Distance Education and Open Learning (ICDEOL)
Himachal Pradesh University Business School
Himachal Pradesh University Centre for Evening Studies
The Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies
Population Research Centre (PRC), Shimla
Pre Examination Coaching Centre
The Institute of Vocational Studies
Institute of Tribal Studies & Research
University Institute of Information Technology HPU, Shimla
Centre for Australian and New Zealand Studies
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Department of Commerce
1.Master of Philosophy in Commerce
2.Master of Commerce
3.Diploma in Accounting and Taxation
University Business School
1.Master of Business Administration
2.Master of Personnel Management
3.Master of International Business Management
4.Master of Finance & Control
5.Bachelor of Business Administration
Institute of Vocational Studies
1.Master of Tourism Administration
Faculty of Education
Department of Education
1.Master of Philosoply in Education
2.Master in Education
3.Bachelor in Education
4.P.G. Diploma in Adult Education
5.P.G. Diploma in Guidance & Counselling
Department of Physical Education
1.Master in Physical Education
Faculty of Languages
Department of English
1.Master Of Philosophy in English
2.Master of Arts in English
Department of Hindi
1.Master of Philosophy in Hindi
2.Master of Arts in Hindi
3.Master of Translation (Hindi & English)
Department of Sanskrit
1.Master of Philosophy in Sanskrit
2.Master of Arts of Sanskrit
Department of Modern European & Foreign Language
1.Certificate Course in German (German Language Learning)
2.Diploma Course in German (Language & Geographical literature and Translation)
3.Advanced Diploma in German (Languages/Grammar/Geographical Study)
4.Certificate Course in Russian (Russian Language Learning)
5.Diploma Course in Russian (Language & Translation)
6.Advanced Diploma Course in Russian (Language/Translation/Literature)
7.Certificate Course in French (French Language)
8.Diploma Course in French (Language,Grammar, Translation)
9.Advanced Diploma Course in French (to be started from the academic session 2001-2002)
Faculty of Laws
Department of Laws
1.Ph.D. in Law
2.Master of Laws
3.Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
Faculty of Life Sciences
Department of Bio-Sciences
1.Master Of Philosophy in Botany
2.Master Of Science in Botany
3.Master of Philosophy in Zoology
4.Master of Zoology
Department of Bio-Technology
1.Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology (Ph.D Biotechnology)
2.Master of Philosophy in Biotechnology (M.Phil. Biotechnology)
3.Master of Sciences in Biotechnology (M.Sc. Biotechnology)
Faculty of Performing and Visual Arts
1.Master of Philosophy in Music
2.Master of Arts in Music
3.Master of Philosophy in Performing Art
4.Master of Arts in Performing Art
5.Master of Arts in Performing Art
6.Master of Arts in Visual Art
Faculty of Physical Sciences
Department of Chemistry
1.Master of Philosophy in Chemistry
2.Master of Science in Chemistry
Department of Physics
1.Master of Philosophy in Physics
2.Master of Sciences in Physics
3.Master of Sciences in Physics (Electronic Science)
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
1.Master of Philosophy in Mathematics & Statistics
2.Master of Arts/Sciences in Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Economics
1.Master of Philosophy in Economics
2.Master of Arts in Economics
3.Master of Business Economics
4.P. G. Diploma in Population Studies
Department of Geography
1.Master of Philosophy in Geography
2.Master of Arts in Geography
Department of History
1.Master of Philosophy in History
2.Master of Arts in History
Department of Political Sciences
1.Master of Philosophy in Political Sciences
2.Master of Arts in Political Sciences
Department of Public Administration
1.Master of Philosophy in Public Administration
2.Master of Arts in Public Administration
3.P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Development
Department of Psychology
1.Master of Philosophy in Psychology
2.Master of Arts in Psychology
Department of Sociology
1.Master of Philosophy in Sociology
2.Masters in Social Work
Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
1.Ph.D. in Journalism and Mass Communication
2.Master’s in Journalism and Mass Communication
3.Bachelor in Journalism & Mass Communication
Department of Yoga Studies
Department of Bhoti
Faculty of Computer Sciences
Department of Computer Science
1.Ph.D in Computer Science
2.Master of Technology (M. Tech.) in Computer Science
3.Master of Computer Applications
4.P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications
5.Bachelor of Computer Applications
Faculty of Engineering
1.Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology (B.Tech.(IT))
Colleges under Himachal Pradesh University
University Institute of Information Technology, Shimla
IITT college of Engineering, Kala Amb
Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College, Sundernagar
Institute of Engineering and Emerging Technologies, Baddi
Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti
M. G. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Badhoo
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Department of Commerce
1.Master of Philosophy in Commerce
2.Master of Commerce
3.Diploma in Accounting and Taxation
University Business School
1.Master of Business Administration
2.Master of Personnel Management
3.Master of International Business Management
4.Master of Finance & Control
5.Bachelor of Business Administration
Institute of Vocational Studies
1.Master of Tourism Administration
Faculty of Education
Department of Education
1.Master of Philosoply in Education
2.Master in Education
3.Bachelor in Education
4.P.G. Diploma in Adult Education
5.P.G. Diploma in Guidance & Counselling
Department of Physical Education
1.Master in Physical Education
Faculty of Languages
Department of English
1.Master Of Philosophy in English
2.Master of Arts in English
Department of Hindi
1.Master of Philosophy in Hindi
2.Master of Arts in Hindi
3.Master of Translation (Hindi & English)
Department of Sanskrit
1.Master of Philosophy in Sanskrit
2.Master of Arts of Sanskrit
Department of Modern European & Foreign Language
1.Certificate Course in German (German Language Learning)
2.Diploma Course in German (Language & Geographical literature and Translation)
3.Advanced Diploma in German (Languages/Grammar/Geographical Study)
4.Certificate Course in Russian (Russian Language Learning)
5.Diploma Course in Russian (Language & Translation)
6.Advanced Diploma Course in Russian (Language/Translation/Literature)
7.Certificate Course in French (French Language)
8.Diploma Course in French (Language,Grammar, Translation)
9.Advanced Diploma Course in French (to be started from the academic session 2001-2002)
Faculty of Laws
Department of Laws
1.Ph.D. in Law
2.Master of Laws
3.Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
Faculty of Life Sciences
Department of Bio-Sciences
1.Master Of Philosophy in Botany
2.Master Of Science in Botany
3.Master of Philosophy in Zoology
4.Master of Zoology
Department of Bio-Technology
1.Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology (Ph.D Biotechnology)
2.Master of Philosophy in Biotechnology (M.Phil. Biotechnology)
3.Master of Sciences in Biotechnology (M.Sc. Biotechnology)
Faculty of Performing and Visual Arts
1.Master of Philosophy in Music
2.Master of Arts in Music
3.Master of Philosophy in Performing Art
4.Master of Arts in Performing Art
5.Master of Arts in Performing Art
6.Master of Arts in Visual Art
Faculty of Physical Sciences
Department of Chemistry
1.Master of Philosophy in Chemistry
2.Master of Science in Chemistry
Department of Physics
1.Master of Philosophy in Physics
2.Master of Sciences in Physics
3.Master of Sciences in Physics (Electronic Science)
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
1.Master of Philosophy in Mathematics & Statistics
2.Master of Arts/Sciences in Mathematics & Statistics
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Economics
1.Master of Philosophy in Economics
2.Master of Arts in Economics
3.Master of Business Economics
4.P. G. Diploma in Population Studies
Department of Geography
1.Master of Philosophy in Geography
2.Master of Arts in Geography
Department of History
1.Master of Philosophy in History
2.Master of Arts in History
Department of Political Sciences
1.Master of Philosophy in Political Sciences
2.Master of Arts in Political Sciences
Department of Public Administration
1.Master of Philosophy in Public Administration
2.Master of Arts in Public Administration
3.P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Development
Department of Psychology
1.Master of Philosophy in Psychology
2.Master of Arts in Psychology
Department of Sociology
1.Master of Philosophy in Sociology
2.Masters in Social Work
Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
1.Ph.D. in Journalism and Mass Communication
2.Master’s in Journalism and Mass Communication
3.Bachelor in Journalism & Mass Communication
Department of Yoga Studies
Department of Bhoti
Faculty of Computer Sciences
Department of Computer Science
1.Ph.D in Computer Science
2.Master of Technology (M. Tech.) in Computer Science
3.Master of Computer Applications
4.P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications
5.Bachelor of Computer Applications
Faculty of Engineering
1.Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology (B.Tech.(IT))
Colleges under Himachal Pradesh University
University Institute of Information Technology, Shimla
IITT college of Engineering, Kala Amb
Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College, Sundernagar
Institute of Engineering and Emerging Technologies, Baddi
Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti
M. G. Institute of Engineering and Technology, Badhoo
Notable Alumni
Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, MA in International Relations & Political Science[1] (1983), Doctor of
Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, MA in International Relations & Political Science[1] (1983), Doctor of
Literature (honorary, 2003)
Anand Sharma, Minister of Commerce and Industry,[2] Government of India
Anand Sharma, Minister of Commerce and Industry,[2] Government of India
Himachal University - Package Rates & Dates
Rs. 1500/- Pick up & drop Shimla Bus stand