Why Visit Bangkok Thailand In November - Bangkok Yearly Weather Summary , Bangkok Tourist Guide , Bangkok Tourism - Holiday Travel

Why Visit Bangkok Thailand In November

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Why Visit Bangkok Thailand in November


November Tourist Events in Bangkok


Loi Krathong or Festival of Light (on the full-moon day of the 12th Thai lunar month = 17 Nov)

Loi Krathong is the most romantic festival of this country. In the evening, people gather at the waterside to float krathongs, lotus-shaped vessels lovely decorated with flowers and lit candles, as a thanksgiving and worship to the Goddess of Water. Magnificent celebrations are held in Sukhothai and Chiang Mai.


Surin Elephant Round-up - (The 3rd weekend of Nov)

Surin Elephant Round-upA northeastern province, Surin is famous for its world-famous elephant round-up. The show features elephant football, elephant race and hunt and elephants in ancient battle.


The River Kwai Bridge Week (around the end of November or the beginning of December)

It is held in Kanchanaburi province to commemorate the horrible ordeal suffered in the construction of the Death Railway to be used by the Japanese army as a route of supply from Thailand to Burma in World War II. The festival features a historical exhibition, fun fair, bazaar and exciting light & sound presentation.
