Why Visit Bangkok Thailand In February - Bangkok Yearly Weather Summary , Bangkok Tourist Guide , Bangkok Tourism - Holiday Travel

Why Visit Bangkok Thailand In February

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Why Visit Bangkok Thailand in February


February Tourist Events in Bangkok

Also February also is the Best time to travel Bangkok. Also in February, If the weather is cloudy, you can really enjoy the tour, however in sun it really gets Hot. This combined with high humidity means that it can be somewhat uncomfortable at times. If visiting during this period be sure to pack a lot of light, cotton clothing to deal with the hot and sticky conditions. During this time, weather will show extreme temperature and often it climbs to the mid 30’s.


Chiang Mai Flower Festival ( First Friday of February = 1-3 Feb)

This festival is held to promote the growing of flowers and decorative plants in Chiang Mai, featuring a parade of colourful petalled floats and beauty contests.


Chinese New Year Festival (10 Feb)

Lion Dance Festival, Most colourful lion and dragon dances are staged by the Chinese community in Nakhon Sawan City and in Chinatown, Bangkok.



Makha Bucha - The first of 3 Buddhist Lunar Holidays in the year in Feb, Makha Bucha celebrates 2 important events

1. First, 7 months after the Buddha began his teachings, the spontaneous gathering of 1,250 monks from many locations to meet and be ordained by the Buddha.

2. Secondly, 45 years later, the Buddha’s sermon just before he died.


Both above events occurred on the full moon day of the 3rd lunar month. In Buddhist Pali language, the 3rd lunar month means 'Makha', and 'Bucha', means to honour. Makha Bucha Day is therefore celebrated to honour the Buddha and his teachings. At any and every temple in the country the local people gather in the early evening to ‘wien tien’ (walk round the Temple’s main chapel 3 times with a candle, lotus flower and incense sticks), a beautiful sight to see.                             
