Why Visit Bangkok Thailand In April - Bangkok Yearly Weather Summary , Bangkok Tourist Guide , Bangkok Tourism - Holiday Travel

Why Visit Bangkok Thailand In April

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Why Visit Bangkok Thailand in April


April Tourist Events in Bangkok


Chakri Day (6 Apr)

Celebrated to commemorate the founding of the present Chakri Dynasty in 1782.hakri DayKing Thaksin named Thonburi as Thailand’s capital city after the fall of Ayutthaya in 1767. Just 15 years later, King Rama I established both the Chakri Dynasty, and founded Bangkok as Thailand’s new capital city in 1782. On the 6th April every year, Thai people commemorate both of these auspicious events. HM King Bhumiphol is the 9th King of the ruling Chakri Dynasty.


Songkran Festival (13 - 15 Apr)

Songkran Festival is The traditional Thai New Year, Which is joyfully celebrated throughout Thailand, parades of dancers and music troupes, Water splashing events to make you cool in the hot season makes Songkran festival most interesting. Songkran Festival is celebrated in a grand way in Chiang Mai, Khaosan Road and Silom Road in Bangkok, Pattaya and at Phra Pradaeng near Bangkok.Songkran FestivalThai New Year is one of the 2 long annual holiday periods (along with Western New Year) when Thai people will make their way back to their homes & villages to celebrate with their families. For visitors, Songkran is widely known for its Water Festival. Coinciding with the hottest time of the year, the water splashing events provide a welcome relief from the heat. The water throwing goes on during daylight hours for the 3 full days of the holiday, but in Chiang Mai and other parts of the North, the festivities can go on for as much as 6 days.

In April, The climate in Bangkok is at its hottest from March to August with a very high humidity.
